Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Integrated Approaches to Working With Children and Young People Essay

Integrated Approaches to Working With Children and Young People - Essay Example Moreover, these programmes are formulated with the intention of improving the quality of life of every children as well as young people. The Children Act 2004 provides legal support to all these programmes that are broadly initiated. Furthermore, this Act offers significant duties as well as determines the responsibilities for providing better services to children [1] (Crown, 2012). Every Child Matters ‘Every Child Matters’ is fundamentally considered to be the national framework for the programmes which are initiated in order to comply with the requirements of the youths and the children. This framework is initiated with the motive of increasing opportunities as well as decreasing risks that experience by the children or the young people. Moreover, the services which are to be rendered by the professional of these programmes are required to identify the risks that are associated with children as well as young people. The risks which are identified are required to be sor ted out in an efficient manner. The integrated working services can be rendered effectively with the assistance of local leaders and collaboration with local communities. Moreover, this framework determines the actions that are required to be undertaken by the local authorities and the support that is to be provided to the local authorities for carrying out these activities effectively (North Yorkshire County Council, 2013). The valuable outcomes of the ‘Every Child Matters’ that are mostly desired by the young people and the children have been portrayed hereunder. Being Healthy The children as well as the young people must possess better mental as well as physical health. Moreover, the young... This paper approves that integrated working is a process of involving every individuals as well as professionals who are included in welfare activities for the youths and the children. The children as well as the youths are required to be provided with better assistance as well as additional support in order to improve their life and growth. Risks as well as problems pertaining among children as well as young people are required to be identified at an early stage. Moreover, on identification of risks, measures must be undertaken to eliminate all these risks to children in an efficient manner. This report makes a conclusion that the government of the UK has initiated a programme named ‘Every Child Matters’ with the objective of providing additional requirement to children as well as young people in an effective manner. There are certain crucial outcomes that are mostly desired by children for better health as well as growth. Moreover, there are professionals as well as individuals who are entitled with the responsibility of meeting the needs as well as requirements of children as well as young people. Moreover, the government has also initiated that there should be lead practitioners who will be responsible for providing all the requisite packages of service effectively. In accordance with the scenario, Jordan is provided with SEN as well as SENCO decided that she will be offered with educational plan in order to provide enhanced educational facilities. These educational facilities will be provided to Jordan free of cost. All these will facilitate Jordan and h er family with better healthcare services.

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